Making the World More Understandable

Category Archives: Words

My thoughts and comments on the building blocks of the English language.

Subtlety and Words Like It

So, I’m a Word Nerd. This is different from a Grammar Nazi. I barely know the difference between an adverb and an adjective, do not ask me to diagram your sentence!

As a Word Nerd, I get to love words – how they sound, how they came to be, the emotions they evoke, and their synonyms. A word, and its synonyms, that comes up frequently in my life is subtlety. Loosely defined, subtlety in language is the ability to make your point without a sledgehammer. (If you know me, you know I own several metaphorical sledgehammers.)

Some people refer to subtlety as having a filter. I own a tee shirt that says, “Sorry, my filter is broken.” I own that one because I can’t find one that says, “Filter installation failed!”

Tact is another good word. Someone once gave me a pad of sticky notes that says, “Tact is for weenies.” ‘Nuf said.

Next, we have diplomacy – a highly valued skill with many snarky definitions. Let’s say that if my diplomatic skills were what stood between us and the end of the world, we would be doomed.

Then we have irony, the ultimate art form of subtlety. Dictionaries tend to define irony as when what is expected doesn’t happen. Crossword puzzles frequently give the clue “twist of fate” for irony. Personally, I like the social media definition of irony: the opposite of wrinkly.

I believe that the best example of irony as an art form is British comedy. Anyone who says that British humor is stupid is just too chicken to admit that they don’t get it. It is extremely intelligent, extremely funny, and extremely ironic.

I don’t get most British humor because I don’t get irony. It’s too subtle for me.

So, while subtlety and I tend to reside in alternate universes, I’ve got sarcasm down.

I own another shirt that says, “Fresh sarcasm served daily.” It sums me up quite well. I am so good at sarcasm that, frequently, people don’t know that I’m being sarcastic.

That, oddly enough, is extremely ironic.

Besides being a bit I created as a stand-up routine, all of this demonstrates that you want to know what you’re getting in a writer.

People like me, who can’t beat around a bush without everyone getting lost, are not your best choice for creating content that gently persuades or tries to convince someone to do something they are not normally inclined to do. I’m much better at explaining what is, why it is, and what to do about it.

– Lorrie Nicoles

How to Learn to Love Your Language: Insult with Style

How to Learn to Love Your Language: Insult with Style

*** DISCLAIMER: I am not advocating being nasty or hurting people’s feelings.Just being creative when you are and might. *** One of the best reasons to have an expansive vocabulary is so that you can insult people with style. Crassly insulting someone/thing in public is generally frowned upon. For example, “you’re f-ing ugly” is a… Continue Reading

Emphasis on the Wrong Syllable, English is Weird or am I Just Saying it Wrong?

Have you ever looked at a word, pronounced it in your head, and then not know what everyone else is talking about? You are probably suffering from Emphasis on the Wrong Syllable syndrome (pronounced Em-Fā-Siss on the Wrong Sa-Lab-El). My best personal example is Appomattox. I walked into US History class one day and that… Continue Reading

Word Rant: Percent

Word Rant: Percent

Language evolves. Words change meaning – sometimes to the opposite of the original definition. I get this, sometimes I encourage it, sometimes I don’t. However, there are some incorrectly used words that evolution will never fix. Today’s rant is around the use of the word “percent.” Simply put, percent means “of 100.” It is another… Continue Reading

Are They Stupid, or Just Ignorant?

Are They Stupid, or Just Ignorant?

Here’s a definition subtlety for you: What’s the difference between ignorance and stupidity? Here’s what has to say: ignorant: lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:an ignorant man. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact:ignorant of quantum physics. uninformed; unaware. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training:an ignorant statement.… Continue Reading