Making the World More Understandable
Baseball Blog Brainstorming

Baseball Blog Brainstorming

During the post-meeting networking portion of a recent BNI meeting, one of the other members asked me for some time to help her with her blog. Eden is the Marketing Manager of an advanced IT solutions company – but that’s not what she wanted help with. She wanted help with her personal blog. So we… Continue Reading

Free from Fiction

After three years, I guess you can say I have a new tradition: Logistics Nazi for Mary Knipple, Organizer of the Independent Editors at the San Francisco Writers Conference. TANGENT: “Logistics Nazi” is a term I came up with over a decade ago to describe my uptight coordination of something like six people to meet… Continue Reading

What is Journalism?

What is Journalism?

As you may have heard, I’m writing a book. One of the writers that agreed to contribute said that his specialty was journalism – the problem is that he didn’t answer my questions with information I would think of as being from a journalist. So, I thought maybe I wasn’t defining the word properly. So,… Continue Reading

Get Inspired, Damn It!

Get Inspired, Damn It!

That’s helpful, isn’t it? Writing for other people has a decent amount of inspiration built in – they provide the topic, I write about it. While some of those topics are harder (more boring) than others, at least I know what I’m writing about. And, for me, the topic is the hardest part. The quality… Continue Reading