Making the World More Understandable
Why Should I Improve Myself?

Why Should I Improve Myself?

Self-improvement, under the guise of self-help, was big in the 1970s, and it left a sour taste in many mouths. Now-a-days, self-improvement has several names: personal growth, personal or business development, or continuing education. These terms seem much more “acceptable” to most people. The question, though, is still, why should I do it? For simplicity,… Continue Reading

Are They Stupid, or Just Ignorant?

Are They Stupid, or Just Ignorant?

Here’s a definition subtlety for you: What’s the difference between ignorance and stupidity? Here’s what has to say: ignorant: lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:an ignorant man. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact:ignorant of quantum physics. uninformed; unaware. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training:an ignorant statement.… Continue Reading

Things Our Brains Do When Reading

Things Our Brains Do When Reading

So, I got caught in a Facebook trap recently. Here was the post: “I’m challenging my intelligent friends to have a crack at guessing the answer to the riddle below. When you think you know, PM me the answer. Don’t answer in the comments; your response will be deleted. “If you are not going to… Continue Reading