Making the World More Understandable

Emphasis on the Wrong Syllable, English is Weird or am I Just Saying it Wrong?

Have you ever looked at a word, pronounced it in your head, and then not know what everyone else is talking about? You are probably suffering from Emphasis on the Wrong Syllable syndrome (pronounced Em-Fā-Siss on the Wrong Sa-Lab-El). My best personal example is Appomattox. I walked into US History class one day and that… Continue Reading

Word Rant: Percent

Word Rant: Percent

Language evolves. Words change meaning – sometimes to the opposite of the original definition. I get this, sometimes I encourage it, sometimes I don’t. However, there are some incorrectly used words that evolution will never fix. Today’s rant is around the use of the word “percent.” Simply put, percent means “of 100.” It is another… Continue Reading

The Writer Has No Blog!

The Writer Has No Blog!

Part of how I sell myself is by offering blog writing. Part of my blog service includes brainstorming sessions for blog topics. I can be pretty good at helping clients with topics for their own blog. Alas, like the cobbler’s children with no shoes, I have a hellish time coming up with topics for myself.… Continue Reading