Bartender, Jack’s Restaurant & Bar, Pleasant Hill
I met Morganne (pronounced Morgan – her mom had too much time on her hands when pregnant) through a friend. At the time they were both coaching cheer as side gigs. As Jack’s is a favored meeting place for me and said friend, I would see Morganne around and we would chat a bit. Eventually, my friend didn’t need to be present for the chatting to happen, and then Morganne got added to the Peanut Brittle list.
I hadn’t thought of Morganne when I first started this little adventure, I really should have. She radiates “comfortable in my skin” whenever I see her. Additionally, she was the first to not interpret my questions at all as I had thought of them – which is part of what makes this so much fun!
So Morganne is a bartender. She’s been at Jack’s for about six years and bartending for about nine. And that is all that was said about how she makes money. Morganne’s peace with life has little to nothing to do with her job.
Originally from Monterey (a famous but small town), she lives in this area because her support is in this area. (Side note: Monterey is not technically part of the San Francisco Bay Area. However, it is close enough and travelled to frequently enough that the region has sort of picked it up.)
I really resonate with Morganne’s three tasks, not because they are mine (in any way, shape, or form) rather because they really seem to be the type of things people who are good with life do. First, she cleans – because she’s easily distracted. Next, she watches her nieces – 9 and 13 at the time of our interview. Third, she’s a wife.
People assume that Morganne is non-confrontational. That’s not exactly true. She likes the heat that can build from a good conversation. That said, she prefers to hold those conversations with people who can agree to disagree and not make a stink about it all.
Morganne gets a kick out of the oddities of life. She’s a big watcher of Planet Earth and loves to ask, “What is that?” Evolution is definitely one of those oddities.
Morganne’s interview took me months to write up in part because her answers were so different from previous interviews. I really want to do her justice.