Category: Business Ownership

  • I Love Being Fierce and the Power of Ferocity

    I Love Being Fierce and the Power of Ferocity

    I once had a coaching assignment: come up with 100 adjectives for myself. Even as a Word Nerd, this was a stretch for me. Someone suggested that I ask others – it’s only cheating if I feel that it’s cheating. Nope, not cheating. With my list somewhere in the 70s, a friend looked at me…

  • I have a Brilliant Idea, Where Is the Damned Inspiration?

    I have a Brilliant Idea, Where Is the Damned Inspiration?

    It is so much easier for me to blog for other people than for myself. Clients give me a topic and some points on their opinion of said topic and away I go. I can even help clients come up with topics. After that, it just happens. Would I call myself inspired? Not always. Yet…

  • Is This Project Worth Doing? Know When It’s Better to Walk Away

    Is This Project Worth Doing? Know When It’s Better to Walk Away

    Sometimes a project is just not worth doing. In your business life or your life-life, there are times when it is better to walk away. In this context, I’m using “walk away” to mean that you are consciously deciding that this project is no longer worth your time and energy. It does not mean you…

  • How Marketing Tells the Truth to Make You Think a Lie

    How Marketing Tells the Truth to Make You Think a Lie

    There are laws about what manufacturers say on their labels – they cannot lie. They can, however, format the truth in a way that leads you to think it says something else. Sort of “marketing truth.” Prime example, my body wash. I’m not complaining about the body wash. I’m not even complaining about what the…

  • People Judge, Is Your Writing as Smart as You Are?

    People Judge, Is Your Writing as Smart as You Are?

    Our parents try to raise us right. They tell us to be kind, smiles will get us further than frowns, and that we shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Then we have real life where you really do not have a second chance to make a first impression and people form their first impression…

  • How Do They Know I Opened It?

    How Do They Know I Opened It?

    Do you wonder how companies know that you opened their email? More to the point, if you’re sending marketing emails (that’s anything you send with an unsubscribe option), how does your sending application know that someone opened said email? They don’t. If you are now thinking, “But, but, but the open report!” You are in…

  • The Writer Has No Blog!

    The Writer Has No Blog!

    Part of how I sell myself is by offering blog writing. Part of my blog service includes brainstorming sessions for blog topics. I can be pretty good at helping clients with topics for their own blog. Alas, like the cobbler’s children with no shoes, I have a hellish time coming up with topics for myself.…

  • Yes, You Can Let Go of the Writing!

    Yes, You Can Let Go of the Writing!

    I have two extremes of clients/prospects: those who want nothing to do with the writing, and those who will not let go of it. Honestly, I get rid of the first. If they want nothing to do with their content, then they tend not to care. They also tend not to respond. The folks who…

  • Are You Marketing Your Business with Education?

    Are You Marketing Your Business with Education?

    Not being a fan of selling, and not liking marketing myself much more, I try to use education as much as possible to promote my business. I will be the first to admit that marketing my business only with education would be a bad idea; however, as part of a (somewhat) larger plan, education is…

  • Why Should I Improve Myself?

    Why Should I Improve Myself?

    Self-improvement, under the guise of self-help, was big in the 1970s, and it left a sour taste in many mouths. Now-a-days, self-improvement has several names: personal growth, personal or business development, or continuing education. These terms seem much more “acceptable” to most people. The question, though, is still, why should I do it? For simplicity,…