
Trey McAlister

Executive Director at BNI Northern California

Regarding How to Be a Writer Without Writing a Book

I have know Lorrie for several years, so I have seen her “wordsmithing” in a variety of formats. However, to compile enough content for a book is not that easy, and yet she is able to not only fill the book with extremely useful ideas for folks who enjoy writing, but also give several clear examples of how to create a business or employment from it.

At the same time, she doesn’t just sugar coat the information (as some authors tend to do)…she gives pros AND cons for different forays into the writing world and even is downright direct so as to make us really think through WHICH mode is best for what we want to do.

Well done!

Ken Wachsberger

Book Coach, Editor, Author You’ve Got the Time: How to Write and Publish That Book in  You

Regarding How to Be a Writer Without Writing a Book

I was delighted to receive your book. Then a friend of mine noted that he was struggling as a freelancer so, before I could read your book, I loaned it to him. I finally got it back (he said it gave him many good ideas) and have just now finished reading it.

Thanks for the overview of our profession. It reminded me of the types of writing and editing I love to do (book editing and coaching, journalism) and hate to do (tech writing, grant writing) all simply explained for the novice looking to get into the business as well as the veteran looking to change direction and expand.

Karla Campbell

Owner, 4 Directions Consulting and Coaching

Hello Lorrie, thank you for the one-pager edits. I was able to hand them out at an event where I was one out of 6 who gave pitches. The companies on the panel were So Cal Edison, Comcast, Verizon, and Wells Fargo. So far, I landed one client and potential of two out of the panel.

I am also using them in the procurement systems of the companies I sign up with, so thank you.

Sydney Metrick

Owner, Artful Coaching

Talking is my forte and I write as the words come to mind. My first drafts are rarely ready for publication no matter how useful or interesting. That’s why I’m so grateful to have Lorrie edit my work. From newsletters to a current book, my writing has benefit in ways I couldn’t even imagine because of Lorrie’s creativity and skill. I’m enormously appreciative.

Leslie Eisenberg

Regional Manager, Victory Workspace

Lorrie writes in YOUR voice. No matter your industry or profession, Lorrie learns, and emulates, your professional voice for your blog, newsletter, website copy, press releases, or book. Her diverse background and technical writing skills set her apart from the competition.

Lorrie wrote the Laptop Lounge Newsletter for us and did a great job. We have also hired Lorrie to write press releases. All of her work is thorough, timely, and she is always open to working together as a team.

“f you own your own business, when you try to do it all yourself, you get in your own way. The fact is, you need a second pair of eyes on everything you write. Whether you need help with editing, or creating new content, I highly recommend Lorrie, and her green pen, for all of your writing needs.

Bob Britz

Owner, CareerCOACH

Lorrie is a very thorough and competent editor. I approached Lorrie when I was writing my first book in November to help me with editing. As it turned out, the one book turned into three age-specific books called Hire Me! 20-30’s, Hire Me! 30-40’s and Hire Me! 40-50’s.

Lorrie did a massive first edit on the 140-page book correcting what I thought was pretty good writing on my part. We went through several more edits and then she divided the book into the three age-specific parts.

Very pleased would sum up my experience with Lorrie and Tora Writing Services.

Maile Collmer

Franchise Owner, Asentiv Contra Costa

Lorrie is my WRITE hand woman! Because of Lorrie, I have a newsletter, a blog, and the start of a book! I enjoy attending her Get Some Writing Done! Meetup. It provides a designated time and space for me to get my writing done. Lorrie edits all my writing from emails to blogs to book chapters. If I want my written word to look and feel like it reflects my business and my professional standards, I want to make sure Lorrie has edited it! Lorrie is also great at helping me wordsmith my speaking marketing copy. I even once had her write the marketing copy for one of my presentations, then I ended up ditching what I was originally going to do and used what she wrote as my outline! Lorrie is essential to my business!

Leslie Ellis

Sales Coach

Writing is not my strong point so when I started my business and needed copy for several different documents, I asked Lorrie for help. She asked me lots of questions so she could really understand me, my objectives and what I wanted to say. She is very patient and excellent at taking my lame words and making them sound magical. I highly recommend her for any writing needs you have.

Nelda Braver

Owner/Architect, BRAVER DESIGNS

Lorrie is an excellent writer and editor. I needed help making my proposals more attractive to clients. She helped them be much more effective and my close rate improved by 10%. She has multi-faceted layers to her approach and help. I am going to her next writing workshop to get my blogging done and edited. I highly recommend her for any form of writing you need done.

Jamie Duran

Owner, Solar Harmonics

I have had an idea for a new book for several months. I met with Lorrie and she agreed to be my writing “coach” to help me start, work on and complete my book. Each week she assigned me new tasks that were aggressive but acheivable. When I finally finished the book, she was great in editing, making suggestions for improvement, and making sure I had everything I needed to successfully publish the book. It is now published, and has over 3,000 downloads!

Alan Koenigsberg

Founder and CEO of Agile Digital Marketing

Lorrie is very effective as a writer and communicator. She is able to get to the point and get to results by being both tactful and direct. She is also flexible and cares about the success of her clients. She has written for Blogs and edited websites – helping them get to success with their content!

Tony Green

Clean Tech Professional

Lorrie helped me to edit an EBook titled Why Hire Tony Green which I wrote to let prospective employers know of my capabilities during my job search. There is only so much which can be covered in short face-to-face interview.

At the time, I was looking for an editor who had a background in engineering who could provide a technically competent perspective to edit my content while being able to provide professional level editing services. Once I met Lorrie … I knew I had found what I was looking for which was only confirmed when I received the feedback from the editing of my EBook. Her direct method of communicating makes her easy to worth with which allowed the building of my trust which I believe is crucial in any writer/editor relationship.

If you are looking for an editor who can handle technical topics as easy as non-technical ones Lorrie is your lady.

Gail Nott

Social Media Strategist for Thought Leaders

I recommend Lorrie to all of my clients who are too busy to complete their own writing and blogging. She excels at capturing their voice with humor and intelligence. Even if you do write your own marketing materials, I recommend we abide by one of Lorrie’s Writing Commandments – have someone else proofread your work – and hire Lorrie as your editor.

Marissa Berger

President and Creative Director, MB/I

Lorrie has done a great job in helping us with developing and editing web content for our clients’ websites. She has creative ways of making things happen… she interviewed a client who just couldn’t write up the first draft we needed. I look forward to using her services in the future and strongly recommend her.

Alex Harris

Self Employment and Franchise Coach, The Entrepreneur’s Source │ Entrepreneurship, Career Transition, Business Models

Lorrie is not only an excellent writer and extremely quick in understanding your business, she is also a delightful person to know and a lot of fun to work with. Lorrie was responsible for writing about a dozen blogs about my new business and they were so relevant and spot on, I thought I must have written them myself. So if you need any creative business or personal writing, I would strongly consider talking to Lorrie.

Suzanne Bourgault

Owner, Webmaster at ExpressYourselfWebsites.com

I love working with Lorrie because she just gets it. She understands what I need to say and edits my writing so it really sounds like me. She is easy to work with and gives great, honest feedback.

Sheila Best, PhD

Financial Coach & Therapist, Public Speaker

Lorrie is very, very good as a listener and writer. She is able to take technical information about my field of finances and psychology and make my words interesting, engaging, and informative. I could easily go on about her intelligence and ability; but am concerned she will become so in demand that I will lose the precious time I have with her in our productive collaborative relationship.