Tag: word nerd

  • Client v Customer: What are You, Who do You Want?

    Client v Customer: What are You, Who do You Want?

    Many people would say that a client and a customer are the same thing. On the surface, those people are not totally wrong – in fact, the third definition of client on dictionary.com is “a customer.” But, the third definition is not the first, so while similar, the two are different. (There I go, splitting…

  • Properly Pronounce!

    Properly Pronounce!

    In a blog that I don’t think I’ll publish, I discussed the importance of proper pronunciation. That rant focused on how commonly people drop Rs from words such as “library” and “February.” And while I do find that tendency annoying, the blog itself was just a little too pissy – even for me. That said,…

  • Straight Talk, Not Buzzspeak

    Erika Napoletano is someone I stumbled upon a few years ago – don’t ask me how, I have no clue. I subscribe to her blog – I don’t read it often, but they all still live in my inbox. I love her work because she talks straight, thinks along the same lines I do, and…

  • Going Too Far with Gender Neutrality

    When being specific could be wrong, when referring to a person of unknown gender, it is better to be general than specific. And, job positions ought to be neutral. Male or female, someone is a server or a flight attendant. However, I believe people are taking gender neutrality too far. The idea for this blog…

  • Is “Twerk” Really a Word?

    Admission number 1: I’m not sure I would recognize a twerk if it were performed on my coffee table while I’m watching Criminal Minds. Admission number 2: I fell for the hype that the Oxford English Dictionary added “twerk” to its hallowed pages. The truth is that the Oxford Dictionaries Online, a source for the…