Tag: business ownership

  • Is This Project Worth Doing? Know When It’s Better to Walk Away

    Is This Project Worth Doing? Know When It’s Better to Walk Away

    Sometimes a project is just not worth doing. In your business life or your life-life, there are times when it is better to walk away. In this context, I’m using “walk away” to mean that you are consciously deciding that this project is no longer worth your time and energy. It does not mean you…

  • Are You Marketing Your Business with Education?

    Are You Marketing Your Business with Education?

    Not being a fan of selling, and not liking marketing myself much more, I try to use education as much as possible to promote my business. I will be the first to admit that marketing my business only with education would be a bad idea; however, as part of a (somewhat) larger plan, education is…

  • Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

    Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

    I recently made a comment about how our brains will do whatever it takes to stay in its comfort zone. The problem is that the comfort zone is comfortable and rarely exciting. Thus, inspirational sayings like: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” “Great things never came from a comfort zone.” “When was…

  • Victory Lap

    You know how it can be so easy to start berating yourself? Well, now is NOT that time. I thought about it and decided that I’d rather share some of my recent accomplishments rather than the drudgery of what I have yet to do. After all, we all have things to do and none of us…

  • The Joys of Business Ownership

    The Joys of Business Ownership

    (Or, how I went from worker bee to entrepreneur.) The joy of being a business owner is that you can do what you want when you want, right? Not so much. People keep telling me that I need to work ON my business, not IN it. Translation: do things to grow your business, let other…

  • The Point of My Service Business

    The Point of My Service Business

    I recently heard someone say that if a business only provides a service, it doesn’t have any lasting impact. That one hit me hard. While not a secret, I don’t say this often: I’m terrified of ending up like Eleanor Rigby. I don’t expect to be in the history books (unless as a possible author…