The Writer Has No Blog!
Part of how I sell myself is by offering blog writing. Part of my blog service includes brainstorming sessions for blog topics. I can be pretty good at helping clients with topics for their own blog. Alas, like the cobbler’s children with no shoes, I have a hellish time coming up with topics for myself.…
Baseball Blog Brainstorming
During the post-meeting networking portion of a recent BNI meeting, one of the other members asked me for some time to help her with her blog. Eden is the Marketing Manager of an advanced IT solutions company – but that’s not what she wanted help with. She wanted help with her personal blog. So we…
Writing Powerful Blogs
I was wandering around the web doing some personal growth homework and I found an article about powerful blog writing. I found it impressive that write.com seems to mirror my thoughts in the Writing Powerfully blog – although I used significantly fewer words. I became a professional writer because I am passionate about clear communication…