Category: Writing

  • Are You a Writer? Does Writing Make You Happy as Your Day Job?

    I volunteer at the San Francisco Writers Conference doing my “get sh!t done” thing. Specifically, I do logistical management of the 8-minute consultations (previously of just the editors, now of all of them). Having done this for several years with a core group of editors, I’ve become well known for my ability to perform scheduling…

  • How to Learn to Love Your Language: Insult with Style

    How to Learn to Love Your Language: Insult with Style

    *** DISCLAIMER: I am not advocating being nasty or hurting people’s feelings.Just being creative when you are and might. *** One of the best reasons to have an expansive vocabulary is so that you can insult people with style. Crassly insulting someone/thing in public is generally frowned upon. For example, “you’re f-ing ugly” is a…

  • How Marketing Tells the Truth to Make You Think a Lie

    How Marketing Tells the Truth to Make You Think a Lie

    There are laws about what manufacturers say on their labels – they cannot lie. They can, however, format the truth in a way that leads you to think it says something else. Sort of “marketing truth.” Prime example, my body wash. I’m not complaining about the body wash. I’m not even complaining about what the…

  • People Judge, Is Your Writing as Smart as You Are?

    People Judge, Is Your Writing as Smart as You Are?

    Our parents try to raise us right. They tell us to be kind, smiles will get us further than frowns, and that we shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Then we have real life where you really do not have a second chance to make a first impression and people form their first impression…

  • Writing with Chocolate

    (NOTE: This title is not SEO friendly, heck the entire format of this blog is not SEO friendly. If you enjoy this installment of what’s going on in my brain, I hope you’ll share it with your friends.) I’ve got a monster list of blog topics and I’m ignoring all of them in favor of…

  • What Is the Point of Alternative Text?

    What Is the Point of Alternative Text?

    Honestly, I have very little clue as to what makes alternative text is so important. However, the clue I do have is enough to make me enter some for my blog post and newsletter pictures. Alternative Text? If you post photos on your website or include them in your newsletter, it is very likely that…

  • How to Make Your Old Content New

    How to Make Your Old Content New

    Are you feeling stuck trying to come up with new blog topics? Why not update some of your old ones? Updating already published blogs does several things for you: Creates a “new” post without any new ideas. Gives you SEO juice without too much effort. Makes you look informed, up to date, and on top…

  • The Writer Has No Blog!

    The Writer Has No Blog!

    Part of how I sell myself is by offering blog writing. Part of my blog service includes brainstorming sessions for blog topics. I can be pretty good at helping clients with topics for their own blog. Alas, like the cobbler’s children with no shoes, I have a hellish time coming up with topics for myself.…

  • Yes, You Can Let Go of the Writing!

    Yes, You Can Let Go of the Writing!

    I have two extremes of clients/prospects: those who want nothing to do with the writing, and those who will not let go of it. Honestly, I get rid of the first. If they want nothing to do with their content, then they tend not to care. They also tend not to respond. The folks who…

  • Protected: Lorrie Nicoles is My Name

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.