Category: Rants

  • “Government Moves at the Speed of a Credenza.”

    “Government Moves at the Speed of a Credenza.”

    This little quip is thanks to Chuck Rosenberg, he said it on The Racheal Maddow Show a couple of years ago (at least, that’s when I heard it) and I knew I would have to do something with it. First off, it is important to understand that – as a humungous organization – nothing the…

  • My Desire to Please Google Decreases the More I Learn About How to Please Google

    My Desire to Please Google Decreases the More I Learn About How to Please Google

    I love Google. Absolutely, no doubt, when looking for an answer, I start with Google. However, if I want to be the answer Google gives to other people (thus, I please Google), I’m not so much of a fan. Good thing having Google find me is not high on my priority list. There seems to…

  • Word Rant: Percent

    Word Rant: Percent

    Language evolves. Words change meaning – sometimes to the opposite of the original definition. I get this, sometimes I encourage it, sometimes I don’t. However, there are some incorrectly used words that evolution will never fix. Today’s rant is around the use of the word “percent.” Simply put, percent means “of 100.” It is another…

  • I Want To Recklessly Split Infinitives

    I Want To Recklessly Split Infinitives

    OK, maybe not recklessly, I just get a kick out of twisting the noses of the Grammar Nazis out there. Yes, I’ve ranted about the split infinitive before; now I’m doing it again. And I’m doing it because it bugs me how people say that it is now OK to break the rule without explaining…

  • Are They Stupid, or Just Ignorant?

    Are They Stupid, or Just Ignorant?

    Here’s a definition subtlety for you: What’s the difference between ignorance and stupidity? Here’s what has to say: ignorant: lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:an ignorant man. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact:ignorant of quantum physics. uninformed; unaware. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training:an ignorant statement.…

  • Make ‘Em Laugh When Public Speaking

    Make ‘Em Laugh When Public Speaking

    One day in my stand-up workshop, we were given a handout. The article is titled Laughter IS the Best Medicine for Holding Audience Attention; my mentor had found it online and, based on that title, added it to his files without even reading it. Well, then we tried to read it. Notice how I did…

  • It’s Only a Delusion If I Don’t Talk About It

    It’s Only a Delusion If I Don’t Talk About It

    My last blog about taking back journalism inspired the following response: “I like you, I really do but this is a romantic delusion. Nowadays journalism is driven by ratings. With the ever expanding number of sources all grasping for attention integrity has been watered down to the point of being lost. Call it collateral damage.…

  • Take Journalism Back, Save the American Dream

    I wrote a blog on Journalism awhile back that focused on what the word means and should mean. While I did mention how grateful I am to the free press, I think it’s time to be more than grateful for the concept. It’s time to start yelling that gratitude from the rooftops and to shine…

  • The “Should” of Expectations

    The “Should” of Expectations

    Ages ago, I wrote about “should” and what I define as the right and wrong way to use that word. Recently, while speaking with one of my various coaches, I mentioned that something was expected. Her response was that an expectation is just as bad as a should. And I realized that it was time…

  • Politics, Thought Leadership, and Morals

    Politics, Thought Leadership, and Morals

    As a member of the board of my local chapter of the IABC (International Association of Business Communicators), I was involved in a conversation about should we be talking politics. We didn’t come to a conclusion. Also with that group, I’ve been in conversations about thought leadership – what is it and who are some…